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Support Our Artists Via Patreon!


The Puppetry Institute is a non-profit art school! It is a labor of love built on countless unpaid hours.
A third of all our class profits pay for materials and instruction for low-income scholarship students.
By supporting TPI, you help artists of every age keep on creating!


By sponsoring our patreon, you are helping pay for art materials for students that benefit the most from our programs, and keeping our doors open to the general public!


Patreons get sneak peeks at the work that they are helping make possible, and making the world a little more awesome - one puppet at a time!


Pledges start at as little as a dollar a month!


Every dollar you pledge goes to help keep the doors open and programs going. Just click the link above and pledge today...Thanks for your support!

"When I was young, my ambition was to be one of the people who made a difference in this world. My hope is to leave the world a little better for having been there."


~Jim Henson


The Puppetry Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit that aims to place the magic of creativity in as many hands as possible! Make the world a cooler place puppet at a time with our scholarship program!

Webdesign by Sharkledog via Wix

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